Kathi Dameron's food memoirs are being published in a book!
To reserve a copy, please send an email to canopyrose@aol.com with your contact information and a request to be notified when the books are in.
Kathi's new book will be available in 2009. We anticipate that this book will be a popular Christmas gift item for Christmas 2009 among our many faithful readers.
The "Entertaining with Kathi" column runs every other week in the Northeast Chronicle, a community publication of the Tallahassee Democrat newspaper.
The column is also being made available for newspapers and magazines to purchase. To discuss running "Entertaining with Kathi" in your publication, contact Canopy Rose Culinary Arts Studio & Catering Company at 850-539-7750.
Thanks for reading "Entertaining with Kathi!"
(For obvious reasons, the articles are no longer being posted on this site. However, you can still read them every other week in the newspaper.)